MIT offices and student organizations – digital materials
To donate digital materials, please use the workflow below that corresponds to the the size of your donation and the location of your files.
If your files are on:
Google Drive, Dropbox or a networked drive
Provide the Digital Archivist, Joe Carrano (, view/read-only access to the drive or specific folders. Contact your department’s IT or IS&T if you need assistance. We’ll email you to confirm access and the successful transfer of your digital files.
A computer and you’re donating 2GB or less
Transfer using the Digital Transfer Tool. We’ll email you to confirm the successful transfer of your digital files.
A computer and you’re donating 2GB or more (four options)
- Use the DART tool to transfer the files according to these instructions for using DART. If you are not able to open or use the linked page, please contact for assistance
- Make a copy and deliver it to us. Copy the digital files to an external hard drive or USB drive and email to tell us when you’ll deliver the files to the DDC Reading Room (14N-118). Be sure to specify the operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) the files are formatted in.
- You come to us – bring your laptop to the reading room in 14N-118 and we’ll transfer the files directly from your machine. Email to schedule an appointment.
- We come to you – an MIT archivist will come to your office or schedule a remote consultation to retrieve the records directly from your computer. Email to schedule an appointment.
If your transfer includes email, we will contact you with additional instructions.
Questions? Please contact for assistance.