Our Manuscripts collections focus on the fascinating, expansive history of science and technology. The collections are particularly strong in the fields of computer science, linguistics, engineering, architecture and urban planning, and physics. Materials in the Manuscripts collections include papers, digital materials, audiovisual formats, objects, and more. Many of the collections were produced by people and organizations connected to MIT. The Manuscripts also include a number of oral history projects.

Annamaria Torriani-Gorini at Institut Pasteur
Annamaria Torriani-Gorini Papers, MC 0702, box 51. Distinctive Collections, MIT Libraries
The collections created by individual people consist primarily of the archives of MIT faculty members, though the archives of MIT alumni also make up a significant portion of the collections. The Manuscripts reflect these individuals’ work at MIT, their research pursuits, and their personal interests outside of MIT.
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The Manuscripts also contain the records of numerous private companies and advocacy groups. Often these organizations were founded by members of the MIT community or have some other affiliation with MIT.
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Oral histories
Oral history projects in the Manuscripts document developments and issues in the MIT community and the wider scientific and higher education communities.
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