Wild things

Wild things

Animals have always fascinated humans: for centuries we’ve taxonomized, anatomized, and sometimes anthropomorphized our fellow creatures. Several animal species have been domesticated and bred...

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Supporting the Libraries: Ursula Burns

Supporting the Libraries: Ursula Burns

Ursula Burns, chairwoman and chief executive officer of Xerox Corporation, has been a friend and supporter of the MIT Libraries since becoming chair of...

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Staff Profile: Jessica Venlet

Jessica Venlet arrived at MIT in October 2014 to begin a two-year fellowship with the Libraries in the area of digital archives. She came...

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Staff Profile: Christine Malinowski

Christine Malinowski joined the MIT Libraries in September 2014 to begin a two-year fellowship in the area of research data management. She is a...

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From the Director

From the Director

It would take an exceptional opportunity to lure someone from Stanford, where the streets are lined with palm trees nearly 50 feet tall and...

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Featured Special Collection: Howe, Manning & Almy papers

Featured Special Collection: Howe, Manning & Almy papers

Drawing was considered an essential skill for late nineteenth-and early twentieth-century architects, and was part of the curriculum at the Institute. MIT-trained Eleanor Manning...

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Promoting diversity and inclusion

This winter, MIT hosted its annual Institute Diversity Summit. The theme was “Advancing a Respectful and Caring Community,” and included workshops and thought-provoking discussions....

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In tune with music at MIT

In tune with music at MIT

A young crowd gathered around a turntable, as sounds of 70’s hits re-mixed with the latest dance beats pumped out of speakers. You might...

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Meet Chris Bourg

Meet Chris Bourg

Chris Bourg arrived in Cambridge in the middle of the snowiest winter on record. The fact that MIT was closed due to 20+ inches...

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