Author: feiden

Task Force on Future of Libraries begins work

Task Force on Future of Libraries begins work

Chris Bourg, Director of MIT Libraries, sent the following message to the library community announcing the Ad Hoc Task Force on the Future of...

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Author event: Angles 2015 showcase

Author event: Angles 2015 showcase

October 1, 2015 4:30 - 6pm

Who: MIT student authors What: Author reading, at which the authors of essays selected for inclusion in Angles 2015 will present excerpts from their...

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SIP class “Introduction to Design Thinking” working on Libraries project

SIP class “Introduction to Design Thinking” working on Libraries project

The Hayden Library will be the subject of a Sloan Innovation Period (SIP) class, “Introduction to Design Thinking,” taught by faculty member Virginia Healy-Tangney...

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MIT’s WorldCat & ILLiad system outage, January 3rd

On Saturday, January 3, 2015, OCLC has scheduled a technology upgrade to support system performance and reliability. During this upgrade, all OCLC services will...

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Finals week survival kit from the MIT Libraries

Need help getting through finals? Check out our finals week survival kit. Finals week study breaks — Take a study break, have a snack, and...

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ILLiad downtime Wednesday, August 13th, 10am-3pm

Please be aware that, due to a scheduled software upgrade, ILLiad will be unavailable from 10am-3pm EST on Wednesday, August 13, 2014. During this...

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ILLiad downtime Thursday, June 26th, 3-4pm

Please be aware that, due to a scheduled software upgrade, ILLiad will be unavailable from 3pm-4pm EST on Thursday, June 26, 2014.  During this...

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Have Tim t-shirt, will travel

Are you going on vacation this summer?  Take your MIT Libraries Tim t-shirt with you!  If you snap a photo and share it with...

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Automatic renewals coming to an MIT library near you

We have more good news to add to our recent extension of MIT Libraries loan periods.  Starting May 15th, 2014, many items borrowed from...

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