Top: Archnet as currently being developed, Bottom left and right, Archnet as originally launched and in its current form
On February 25, 2021, the AKDC will present “Archnet 3.0: Enhancing Archnet for Teaching in the Digital Humanities” as part of the SHASS Digital Teaching and Research Collaborative Sessions at MIT. SHASS Digital Teaching and Research Collaborative Sessions take place each Thursday from 4:30-5:30 during the term.
What is “Archnet 3.0”? AKDC@MIT and the Aga Khan Trust for Culture are currently in the process of re-developing Archnet, a freely accessible resource focused on the built environment in societies influenced by Muslim culture. Archnet’s mission is to provide ready access to unique textual and media material to facilitate teaching, scholarship, and professional work of high quality.
Presenting will be Michael Toler, PhD, Archnet Content Manager in the Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries (AKDC@MIT);Jamie Folsom, Vice President for Development of Performant Software Solutions , which provides web development services for Archnet.org; and Nur Sobers-Khan, PhD, newly appointed Program Head for AKDC@MIT.
The presentation will begin with a short survey of the history and current structure of Archnet and present some case studies regarding its use in teaching. We will conclude with an overview of current development plans.
The session is open, but registration is required. Register via Zoom:
The MIT Programs in Digital Humanities and the MIT Libraries co-host weekly collaborative sessions for SHASS faculty, staff, and UROPs on Thursdays from 4:30-5:30 PM. The sessions’ weekly Zoom room provides an informal, regular space for faculty and researchers to connect with one another, DH Lab Staff, and SHASS librarians about digital research and teaching topics.
Recordings of the previous sessions are available here. The series welcomes faculty input regarding future session topics. Please send proposed topics to digitalhumanities@mit.edu.