Saving the world, bit by bit.
Our vision? A world where more people have access to knowledge and more voices are heard. Where tools and solutions can be networked, shared, and “hacked.” Where knowledge not only provides answers, but empowers and inspires. We think libraries can help build this world. Let’s get started.
Envisioning Hayden Library
The Libraries are pursuing a renovation of Hayden that reflects our vision for the future of libraries.
Furthering MIT’s mission
The final recommendations from the Open Access Task Force urge the open sharing of MIT publications, data, software, and more.
Get to know CREOS
The Center for Research on Equitable and Open Scholarship (CREOS) investigates how disparate communities can participate in scholarship with minimal bias or barriers.
Our vision
Here’s how we plan to contribute to a world with enduring, abundant, equitable, and meaningful access to information:
Help you get your hands dirty with information We think a library can be more than a conveyor of information; it’s an all-discipline maker space where you can create new knowledge.
Enable new forms of scholarship, teaching, and learning People want to interact with content in more active, innovative, and connected ways. We’ll build a global platform open to anyone who wants to build tools or use collections in novel ways – whether by humans, algorithms, or machines.
Share the research of MIT To further its mission of building a better world, we will make the Institute’s distinct body of knowledge more open, equitable, accessible, and durable.
Engage in research to tackle the big questions MIT is where research is applied to the toughest problems. The world needs new, better models and systems for information exchange. It’s up to us, and our partners around the world, to invent them.
Want to know more? Read the Future of Libraries Task Force Report
Want to know how we plan to make it happen? Read our Strategic priorities