Archives July exhibit commemorates Project Whirlwind

The July Object of the Month of the Institute Archives and Special Collections celebrates the transfer of the Project Whirlwind records from the MITRE...

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MIT Libraries Video Tutorials Now on TechTV!

Want to learn how to find an article database for your research? Or use bioinformatics databases? Or use the library catalog? Then try the...

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Broad Institute and MIT Libraries

The Broad Institute will transition from a department within MIT to a permanent non-profit organization on July 1, 2009. Broad employees who are affiliated...

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JulyAP 2009 Workshops

Learn how to find and use information more effectively in these hands-on workshops. No advanced registration required. Light refreshments will be served at each...

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Aero/Astro Library collections relocated, fully accessible by July 2

As of Friday, June 26, the Aeronautics and Astronautics Library (Aero/Astro) will officially close its doors and its collections will be relocated to other...

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“Media in Transition” video on MIT World

A panel of archivists, librarians, and historians reflected on the anxiety and exhilaration of a digital age that is constantly transforming their disciplines at...

Archives & MIT history

Clean Energy Forum

“Clean Power: Building a New Clean Energy Economy” Did you miss it when it was here on April 13th, 2009?  Well, not too worry,...

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“Giant Leaps” – a video made by AMPS

What is the legacy of the Apollo program, and what can we learn from it to help us confront the scientific and engineering challenges...

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Construction to Begin on Exterior of Barker Library

Exterior repairs to the dome to fix leaks will begin in earnest starting Monday, June 8, from 7am – 3:30pm. Work is expected to...

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