Meet Amy Brand

Meet Amy Brand

When Amy Brand PhD ’89 first arrived in Cambridge for graduate studies in cognitive science, Kendall Square was “a bleak place,” she said, with...

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What’s New?

Results are in from the most recent MIT Libraries survey, conducted January-February 2015. More than 5,400 MIT community members responded. Key findings include: Students...

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Featured Special Collection: Hidden Gems

Featured Special Collection: Hidden Gems

MIT’s Rotch Library is home to a small but growing collection of contemporary artists’ books — a type of art object that defies simple...

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The Great Stride

The Great Stride

2016 marks the 100th anniversary of MIT’s move across the Charles River from Boston’s Back Bay to its current location in Cambridge. In honor...

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Bold New Vision

A new task force has begun engaging the MIT community in a discussion about the future of libraries. At the request of Provost Martin...

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Staff Profile: Greg Eow

Staff Profile: Greg Eow

In academic libraries, preservation, general collections, and special collections don’t typically fall under the same organizational umbrella. This is one of the reasons Greg...

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Spy-proof Letters

Spy-proof Letters

Long before the digital age, safeguarding correspondence and important documents from prying eyes was a concern. Research by Jana Dambrogio, MIT Libraries Thomas F....

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From the Archives: Tomes

From the Archives: Tomes

As the Libraries’ rare book collections grow, they become an increasingly rich teaching resource. This year, for the first time, the Libraries allocated funds...

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From the Director

From the Director

One of my favorite things about working on a college campus is the annual sense of renewal that arrives every fall along with the...

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