Author: mit-admin

Learn statistical software and programming this fall

Learn statistical software and programming this fall

Data Science Services at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science will once again be offering statistical software and programming workshops at the Harvard campus...

Introduction to the Research Computing Environment (RCE) at Harvard

Introduction to the Research Computing Environment (RCE) at Harvard

September 1, 2017 1 - 3:30pm

The Research Computing Environment (RCE) is a large powerful computer cluster that you can use for computations that are too large to be conveniently...

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Make your code citable

Make your code citable

Software and code are an important part of the research process. Citing your code improves scientific reproducibility and gives credit to software authors. If...

LaTeX/BibTeX & citation management tools

LaTeX/BibTeX & citation management tools

July 20, 2017 2 - 3pm

Are you using LaTeX to create your documents? Are you looking for more guidance on integrating Zotero or Mendeley into your workflow? Do you...

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Patent Searching Fundamentals

Patent Searching Fundamentals

July 25, 2017 12 - 1pm

This session will enable you to successfully find patent references from all over the world and obtain patent text and diagrams. This hands-on session...

Business Information for Engineers and Scientists

Business Information for Engineers and Scientists

July 25, 2017 1 - 2pm

This session will introduce engineers and scientists to business information resources that will help you understand the commercial potential for your ideas, how to...

Introduction to Zotero & Mendeley

Introduction to Zotero & Mendeley

July 27, 2017 1 - 2pm

  Using citation management software to create and maintain a collection of references or PDFs is common and important in today’s academic world. These...

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Data management for postdocs and research scientists

Data management for postdocs and research scientists

August 3, 2017 1:30 - 3pm

Are you creating or managing research data? This hands-on workshop will provide an overview of data management topics, including file organization and naming, data...

Learn with the Libraries: Summer 2017

Learn with the Libraries: Summer 2017

Join us in learning everything from identifying news sources to making maps and organizing files! Business Information for Engineers and Scientists Data Management: File...

Business & management