LaTeX/BibTeX & citation management tools

Learn to integrate citations from Zotero & Mendeley while working in LaTeX

Event date July 20, 2017 2 - 3pm

computer keyboardAre you using LaTeX to create your documents? Are you looking for more guidance on integrating Zotero or Mendeley into your workflow? Do you keep running into issues with your citations or your .bib files? If you have a working knowledge of LaTeX and are looking to optimize how you manage citations and integrate your favorite citation management tools like Zotero, Mendeley or JabRef, this is the workshop for you.

Note, this is not an introduction to LaTeX or BibTeX – a working knowledge of LaTeX is assumed. Bring your laptop with your LaTeX setup to follow along.

Location: 14N-132 DIRC
Contact: Christine Malinowski