Author: mit-admin

Take a 150-year journey through the MIT Libraries’ collections

How did the public perceive engineers when MIT was chartered in 1861? What sort of books did MIT founder William Barton Rogers keep in...

Archives & MIT history

Rotch Library Lunchtime Film Series 2011 – This week's film

Join us in the Rotch Library conference room on Friday, January 21, from noon-1:30 for week three of the 4th annual Rotch Library IAP...

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Rotch Library Lunchtime Film Series 2011 – This week’s film

Join us in the Rotch Library conference room on Friday, January 21, from noon-1:30 for week three of the 4th annual Rotch Library IAP...

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Performance artist Michael Fowlin on prejudice and diversity – Jan.19

Please join us for an entertaining and thought-provoking one-man show entitled “You Don’t Know Me Until You Know Me.”  Performance artist Michael Fowlin will...

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Celebrating 150 Years of MIT History

The MIT Libraries are celebrating MIT150!   Over the next 150 days stay tuned as we open the vaults of the Institute Archives & Special...

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Fourth Annual Rotch Library IAP Film Series starts January 6th

Join us in the Rotch Library conference room Thursday and Friday from noon-2 as we kick off the 3rd annual Rotch Library IAP Film...

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New GPS units available for borrowing through MIT GIS Services

MIT GIS Services has recently added new Garmin GPSMAP62s GPS units to our collection. These new units have a high sensitivity quad helix antenna,...

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MIT Undergraduate student wins Knovel University Challenge

Monica Isava, an MIT undergraduate student in Mechanical Engineering, recently won an iPod nano in Knovel’s University Challenge! More than 10,000 students from 40...


Remembering Omar Khalidi – Memorial service Friday 12/3

On Friday, December 3 at 3:00 p.m. a memorial service will be held at the MIT Chapel for friend and former colleague Omar Khalidi....

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