Author: mit-admin

New library borrowing privileges at top universities

If your research takes you beyond MIT, you can now use the university libraries at Ivy League institutions around the country, through MIT Libraries’ partnership...

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MIT students share their thoughts on redesigned library spaces

How can we make a better MIT library? This question generated lively discussion among students in a feedback session held by the Libraries last week. Standing desks, iPads for...

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authors@mit reading by Ellen Harris

Come hear Ellen Harris read from and discuss her latest book, George Frideric Handel: A Life with Friends, published just this month by W....

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Students: How can we make a better MIT library?

Share your ideas with us!  We’re planning renovations to library spaces, and we’d like to get ideas from some of the best thinkers we...

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Planning begins for renovating library spaces

In an article in the September issue of the MIT Faculty Newsletter, Interim Director of Libraries, Steve Gass, and the Chair of the Faculty Committee on...

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New covers for our new and old books

You might notice new covers in the library stacks this fall. The Curation and Preservation Services department is proud to introduce a new treatment...

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Telegraphy exhibit opens in the Maihaugen Gallery

Wired: A World Transformed by the Telegraph, an exhibition highlighting the Libraries’ special collections in telegraphy, recently opened in the Maihaugen Gallery (14N-130). Until the mid-19th...

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Fridays just got a little more fun, and furry

Starting in October we’re expanding our popular therapy dog program. Now on the first Friday of each month this fall you can stop by...

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What’s new at the Libraries this fall

Welcome back! The MIT Libraries have been busy over your summer vacation. We’ve made improvements, added new resources, expanded our services, and lined up...

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