
Finals Week Hours at Hayden Library

Hayden Library (Humanities and Science) will begin special finals week hours on Thursday, May 17, 2012. Hayden will remain open every day until 2am...

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Changes to World Bank Resources

Researching development economics?  Note many changes on the our resources from the World Bank: World Bank e-Library: // — updated search engine and new...

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Five Faculty From MIT Appointed to eLife Board of Reviewing Editors

eLife, a new collaborative initiative backed by Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the Max Planck Society, and the Wellcome Trust, announced the board of reviewing...


Learn Quantitative Methods at ICPSR

Need to expand your skills in statistical methods and quantitative analysis? Attend the ICPSR Summer Program! Each year, ICPSR provides a comprehensive, integrated program...

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New Faculty Open Access Working Group Formed — Will Examine Elsevier Policies

Professor Richard Holton announces the formation of a new Faculty Open Access Working Group in the latest issue of the MIT Faculty Newsletter. Holton...

Scholarly communication

Violin music concert Friday, May 4

The 10th annual Prokopoff violin music concert will be held at 3 pm on Friday, May 4, 2012 in the Lewis Music Library. MIT...


Patriots’ Day Library Hours: Monday, April 16

On Monday, April 16, 2012, the following libraries will open at noon (12pm): Barker Dewey Hayden (Humanities & Science) Lewis Music Rotch All other...

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MIT Mathematicians Push Back Against Elsevier’s Practices — And Get Results

The Elsevier boycott started by mathematician Timothy Gowers has grown to over 8,900 names, with 81 signatories from MIT, 12 of whom list affiliations...

Scholarly communication

New streaming database: Opera in Video

      Opera in Video is now available to the MIT community. This streaming database contains 500 hours of opera performances, captured on...
