
Finals week survival kit from the MIT Libraries

Need help getting through finals? Check out our finals week survival kit. Finals week study breaks — Take a study break, have a snack, and...

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Share your research data with openICPSR—free for a limited time!

Need to share research data you have collected in the social or behavioral sciences?  Have a funding agency that requires you to make your...

Business & management

New energy journals in the house

Energy is a fast moving topic at MIT and all over the world. We’re pleased to have added three new online journal subscriptions to...

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MIT’s Monuments Men

We are pleased to note that MIT alumni served with the World War II “Monuments Men” to save cultural treasures. Here is information about...

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Coming soon: Homepage redesign

We’ve been hard at work redesigning our homepage, and it’s time to give you a sneak preview! By the start of the Fall term,...

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Poetry in the Archives

For National Poetry Month, a poem from MIT faculty papers housed in the Institute Archives and Special Collections. “Ode to a Chromosome,” found in...


Cite your data sources!

    You’re familiar with the importance of citing the literature that you use in your paper.  But did you know that it’s equally important...


Last open mic this semester – Friday, May 2

Join us for the final open mic this semester in the Lewis Music Library, one last chance to try out the new piano. Come...


Composer Florian Hollerweger: Thursday, May 1

Composer forum series: Florian Hollerweger The Revolution is Hear! Sound Art, the Everyday, and Aural Awareness. Date: Thursday, May 1, 2014 Place: Lewis Music Library,...
