
Recall pitfalls

This time of year there is plenty to think about: projects, finals, travels, holidays, and more. In the midst of all the excitement, nobody...

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Hail, Caesar!

Hail, Caesar!

The Rare Books Program’s acquisitions budget – new this year – has brought some wonderful additions to our special collections. Most recently, we’ve acquired...

Film screening: Tunisia: Year Zero

Film screening: Tunisia: Year Zero

December 11, 2015 6:30 pm

Tunisia: Year Zero wraps up the fall film screening series presented by the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT and the Center for Arabic Culture. The film...

Art & architecture & planning
Need a spot to study on campus?

Need a spot to study on campus?

With classes coming to an end and final exams drawing ever closer, you may find yourself in need of a place to study or finish...

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Looking to self-publish your research data?

Researchers have an increasing need to share their research data, in order to: Comply with funder or journal requirements Foster replication of research Promote...

Music event: December open mic

Music event: December open mic

December 4, 2015 noon - 1 pm

It’s the last open mic of the semester at Lewis Music Library, so come jam, perform, or just listen. All are welcome. Free audience supplied for all performers...

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Creative Dissent: Arts of the Arab Uprisings closes December 23

Don’t miss your chance to see Creative Dissent: Arts of the Arab Uprisings in the Wolk Gallery. The exhibition closes December 23, 2015. Curated...

Art & architecture & planning
Study break: Cookies with Canines

Study break: Cookies with Canines

December 10, 2015 2 pm - 3:30 pm

Cookies with Canines, the popular therapy dogs program for exam week, continues. Take a break from your studies to come to Hayden Library and spend...

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Smith to lead Middle East Librarians Association

Smith to lead Middle East Librarians Association

The Middle East Librarians Association (MELA) has elected Sharon C. Smith, program head of the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT, as vice president and president-elect....

Art & architecture & planning