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Current Exhibits

There are no current exhibit announcements at this time. New exhibits are added throughout the year, so please check back.

Upcoming Exhibits

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Past Exhibits

MMaihaugen Gallery Exhibit

Under the Lens

Under the Lens examines the work of women scientists in biology and chemistry at MIT beginning with Ellen Swallow Richards, MIT’s first woman student, through the present day, when many women scientists hold leadership positions at the Institute.

Ended June 21, 2024
RRotch Library Exhibit

Sisters in Making

Sisters in Making works to explore and reveal the multi-level efforts of women surrounding the invention and implementation of Core Rope Memory and Magnetic Core Memory in the Apollo Guidance Computer that put man on the moon in 1969.

Ended April 8, 2024
RRotch Library Exhibit

Balconies Balconies Balconies

Inspired by the social and spatial nuances inherent in balconies, HONMI have studied eight different types of balconies around the world and is bringing these distinct qualities back in the MIT campus.

Ended March 29, 2024
MMaihaugen Gallery Exhibit

South Asia and the Institute

Researched by current MIT faculty, students, alumni, and staff, this historical exhibit tells the remarkable story of South Asia at MIT and MIT in South Asia to honor the determination and grit of multiple generations of South Asians at the Institute.

Ended December 15, 2023
RRotch Library Exhibit

Paradigm Shift in Infectious Diseases

This exhibit showcases the of evolution of ideas in science through the example of infectious disease transmission from ancient Greece to current times, and through the use of comics and illustration.

Ended December 15, 2023
View all past exhibits