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Tag Archives: UN events

Archnet marks International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples, August 9

To mark International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples on August 9, Archnet is highlighting the architecture of indigenous people.  The background images on the site are photographs of the Amin Mosque, a Uyghur mosque built in the 18th century in northwest China; and a street in the Old Town of Ghadames, an oasis town on the edge of the Sahara Desert in Libya. Click the images and text on the homepage tiles to learn about more resources devoted to the theme. There is also an Archnet collection that gathers select resources focusing on manifestations of indigenous culture and vernacular […]

World Interfaith Harmony Week on Archnet

Since 20 October 2010 when the UN General Assembly adopted resolution A/RES/65/5, the first week in February has been designated World Interfaith Harmony Week. The week is intended to promote harmony between all people regardless of their faith.  In its statement setting “Sustainable Development through Interfaith Harmony” as the 2019 theme, the UN page points out the importance of peaceful relations between faith traditions providing for the well-being of people around the world. At the core of all the faith systems and traditions is the recognition that we are all in this together and that we need to love and support […]

Archnet Highlights World Interfaith Harmony Week

World Interfaith Harmony week has been marked during the first week of February since 2011.  The week provides a platform—one week in a year—when all interfaith groups and other groups of goodwill can show the world what a powerful movement they are. – This week’s Archnet highlights religious diversity throughout the world. It also highlights examples of architecture designed or adapted to accommodate multiple faith traditions.  Are you aware of other examples?  Let us know.