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NOTICE: Archnet will be unavailable for several hours on July 10th

IIIF will be unavailable starting at 9 am EDT/ 1 pm UTC on July 10 while we migrate over 140,000 media (images, documents, and videos) to an IIIF-capable server so that we can continue making Archnet media available to you via state-of-the-art technology. The process is likely to last 6-8 hours, though it is not possible to start precisely.

IIIF stands for “International Image Interoperability Framework,” a standard for hosting, serving, describing, sharing, and viewing images of other visual media that has been widely adopted by libraries, archives, galleries, and museums to further facilitate the sharing of their collections.

This change to the Archnet collection’s infrastructure is a first step toward building exciting new features for the platform and making it easier for cataloguers, partners, and end users to use the media it contains and to contribute their material to the collection.

Here are some ideas we have in mind:

  • Enabling High-Resolution Downloads
  • Deep Zooming on our highest-resolution images
  • Embedding of customized collections in your own website
  • Much improved ease of contributing new media
  • Slideshows
  • Annotations

These are just some of the possibilities we have in mind. We’d love to hear from you! Which of these features would be most useful to you?  Are there other features you’d like to see?  Let us know using of the Feedback button that appears throughout Archnet.

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