Tag: DSpace@MIT

Open access downloads: May 2023

Downloads this month 254,907; Downloads since OA policy began: 23,615,661; Articles in the OA collection: 50,626; Featured country: Canada; 3,977 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for May:

Women Empowerment and Economic Development, Esther Duflo

Natural Language Based Financial Forecasting: A Survey, Frank Z. Xing, Erik Cambria, Roy E. Welsch

The Emergence Of Multispecies Ethnography, Eben Kirksey, Stefan Helmreich

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu

Open access downloads: April 2023

Downloads this month 269,403; Downloads since OA policy began 23,360,754; Articles in the OA collection 50,476; Featured country: Lebanon,119 downloads The Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for April:

Grain boundary and triple junction constraints during martensitic transformation in shape memory alloys, Stian M. Ueland, Christopher A. Schuh

Learning Eco-Driving Strategies at Signalized Intersections, Vindula Jayawardana, Cathy Wu

Artificial Intelligence and Jobs: Evidence from Online Vacancies, Daron Acemoglu, David Autor, Jonathon Hazell, and Pascual Restrepo

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu

30 years of Laboratory for Computer Science tech reports and memos now available in DSpace@MIT

MIT Libraries has created two new collections in DSpace@MIT, MIT’s institutional repository, making the majority of the Laboratory for Computer Science (LCS) technical reports and memos available to the public. This work is a recent example of MIT Libraries’ staff fulfilling our enduring vision of a digital-first library that prioritizes supporting computational research and open scholarship, which includes research outputs beyond journal articles and theses. 

Researchers in the Laboratory for Computer Science, one of the precursor labs to the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), published more than 1,100 technical reports and memos from 1974 through 2003. Over a decade ago, the documents were scanned and shared on a CSAIL website, but that site is no longer publicly accessible.

In addition to providing persistent URLs for long-term and easily citable access, inclusion in DSpace@MIT also means that they’re available through the repository’s full text keyword search, OAI-PMH feed, and REST API; MIT Libraries’ Search Our Collections and Timdex; and are indexed in external searches systems like Google Scholar. Prior to deposit, the documents were run through optical character recognition (OCR) software, so what were originally just images of the paper documents are now machine readable and the full text is indexed for searching.

While DSpace@MIT’s largest collections are for open access articles and student theses, there are also many other research outputs from a wide range of departments, labs, and centers, including working papers, project documentation, newsletters, presentations, open educational resources, and tech reports and memos like the ones from LCS! 

For additional history on the Laboratory for Computer Science and Project MAC, check out these archival collections:


Open access downloads: March 2023

Downloads this month: 246,462; Downloads since OA policy began: 23,091,351; Articles in the OA collection: 50,337; Featured country: United States, 91,556 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country. You may have noticed that this month’s number of articles in the OA collection (50,337) is fewer than last month’s number (53,701). We realized our method for gathering data was not the most accurate and have now corrected it. Apologies!

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for March:

Fake news, fast and slow: Deliberation reduces belief in false (but not true) news headlines, Bence Bago, David G. Rand, Gordon Pennycook

Who falls for fake news? The roles of bullshit receptivity, overclaiming, familiarity, and analytic thinking, Gordon Pennycook, David G. Rand

Analyzing uncertainty in a comparative life cycle assessment of hand drying systems, Jeremy R. Gregory, Trisha M. Montalbo, Randolph E. Kirchain

Open access downloads: February 2023

Downloads this month 223,720; Downloads since OA policy began: 22,844,889; Articles in the OA collection: 53,701; Featured country: The Netherlands: 2,838 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for February:

The Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon-Constrained World, Jacopo Buongiorno, Michael Corradini, John Parsons, David Petti

How RO membrane permeability and other performance factors affect process cost and energy use: A review, Yoshiki Okamoto, John H. Lienhard

Regulating Uber: The Politics of the Platform Economy in Europe and the United States, Kathleen Thelen

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu

Open access downloads: January 2023

January 2023 OpeDownloads this month 215,523; Downloads since OA policy began: 22,621,169; Articles in the OA collection: 53,353; Featured country: Germany, 7,459 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for January:

Why Propensity Scores Should Not Be Used for Matching, Gary King, Richard Nielsen

Poverty, depression, and anxiety: Causal evidence and mechanisms, Matthew Ridley, Gautam Rao, Frank Schilbach, Vikram Patel

Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets, Daron Acemoglu, Pascual Restrepo

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu


Open access downloads: December 2022

Downloads this month 142,606; Downloads since OA policy began: 22,405,646; Articles in the OA collection: 52,911; Featured country: Brazil: 827 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for December:

Physical and Mechanical Properties of PLA, and Their Functions in Widespread Applications — A Comprehensive Review, Shady Farah, Daniel Griffith Anderson, Robert S. Langer

Nuclear energy in a carbon-constrained world: Big challenges and big opportunities, Jacopo Buongiorno, Michael Corradini, John Parsons, David Petti

Artificial Intelligence in Surgery: Promises and Perils, Daniel A. Hashimoto, Guy Rosman, Daniela Rus, Ozanan R. Meireles

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu

Open access downloads: November 2022

Downloads this month 167,577; Downloads since OA policy began: 22,263,030; Articles in the OA collection: 52,695; Featured country: India, 757 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for November:

Advances in weather prediction, R.B. Alley, K.A. Emanuel, F. Zhang

The Moral Machine experiment, Edmond Awad, Sohan Dsouza, Richard Kim, Jonathan Schulz, Joseph Henrich, Azim Shariff, Jean-François Bonnefon, Iyad Rahwan

Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets, Daron Acemoglu, Pascual Restrepo

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu

Open access downloads: October 2022

October 2022 Downloads this month 303,103; Downloads since OA policy began: 22,095,463; Articles in the OA collection: 52,123; Featured country: France: 4,421 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for October:

Nuclear energy in a carbon-constrained world: Big challenges and big opportunities, Jacopo Buongiorno, Michael Corradini, John Parsons, David Petti

Poverty, depression, and anxiety: Causal evidence and mechanisms, Matthew Ridley, Gautam Rao, Frank Schilbach, Vikram Patel

Fake news, fast and slow: Deliberation reduces belief in false (but not true) news headlines, Bence Bago, David G. Rand, Gordon Pennycook

Questions or comments? Email us: oastats@mit.edu