Join us in the Rotch Library conference room on Thursday and Friday from noon-2 for week 3 of the 3rd annual Rotch Library IAP Film Series. See our complete film schedule on the IAP calendar. Bring your lunch!
Walks with an architect: Shanghai
Taj Mahal: Heaven on Earth
Monday, January 25th, noon-2 pm
1. French architect Martin Robain conducts a tour of Shanghai, a modern city “developing apace in a 21st century architectural style.”
2. Famous for its beauty, The Taj Mahal is also charged with historical & spiritual meaning. This program ushers viewers into its architecture while illustrating its origins and its implications for modern India.
One night in Bhopal
Thursday, January, 28th, noon-2pm
The world knows too little about what happened in the Indian city of Bhopal on December 3, 1984. This program provides a chilling reconstruction of the Union Carbide methyl isocyanate disaster and details its horrific and protracted consequences.
Good Food
Friday, January 29th, noon-2 pm
This lively tour of various Washington state farms and ranches that have adopted healthier organic methods in raising their products offers several lucid arguments in favor of smaller, more efficient farms, and purchasing locally grown crops. Still, none are as convincing as the marvelous bounty laid before our eyes in this film.