Category: Library spaces

Introducing Oasis of Calm

Introducing Oasis of Calm

New name, new day, new location; same inner peace

The Libraries are happy to resume our weekly half hour of silent mindfulness, now held in The Oasis (located on the second floor of...

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Selected Hayden collections moving November 4-8

In advance of the Hayden Library renovation, collections currently located on the first floor of the library will move to other locations, where they...

Library spaces

Hayden course reserves moving November 27

Temporary locations will be in place through spring 2020

In advance of the Hayden Library renovation, all course reserves currently housed in Hayden will move to other locations. In order to keep to...

Library spaces
A New Vision for Hayden

A New Vision for Hayden

Libraries reveal designs for upcoming renovation

The Libraries have been developing designs for the upcoming Hayden Library renovation with Kennedy & Violich Architecture (KVA). The new design will support the...

Hayden renovation update: Key dates for the fall term

Hayden renovation update: Key dates for the fall term

Harvard Library privileges, reserves, and more

At the end of the fall 2019 term, Hayden Library will close in preparation for the upcoming renovation. The new Hayden will provide a...

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Hayden Library print collections: The renovation and beyond

Hayden Library print collections: The renovation and beyond

This story was originally published on June 3, 2019. The MIT Libraries are committed to supporting the research and learning needs of the Institute...

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A letter from Chris Bourg about the Hayden renovation

The following letter was sent to all MIT faculty on May 28, 2019. Dear colleagues, I write today to share some important information about...

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The community weighs in on the Hayden renovation

The community weighs in on the Hayden renovation

What we've heard about improving library space

Visitors to Hayden Library have recently been found writing on the walls — at our request. On the stairwell landings between the first and...

Library spaces
Watch a recording of Destination: Hayden

Watch a recording of Destination: Hayden

Feb. 13 event introduced the Hayden Library renovation project to the community

On February 13, 2019, Director Chris Bourg and Deputy Director Tracy Gabridge presented the MIT Libraries’ vision for the Hayden Library renovation and vibrant,...

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