Find books and articles faster with new search options

New interface groups results into scannable sections

We have launched new search options on our website, designed to help you find what you need faster and easier.

Screenshot of new search options

We heard you loud and clear when you told us the old search wasn’t good enough, so we developed a new interface, and tested the heck out of it. While we have more improvements planned, here’s what some users have said:

“I just fell in love in under 5 seconds with this search.”

“I think the search results across various platforms is ideal and something I didn’t know I wanted until you offered it. Visually clear and engaging as well.”

The new default searches the library catalog and article content from many scholarly journals, popular magazines, and other periodical publications, and groups the results into easily scannable sections.

What’s powering the default search and the other search options?

Try it out and let us know what you think! We plan to continue developing this new search interface, and would love to hear about your experiences (good and bad) to help us make it even better.