From the Director

From the Director

After years of imagining a redesigned Hayden Library, seeing our plans finally take shape is thrilling. We’re seeing our bold ideas for libraries realized...

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Designing the Hayden Experience

Designing the Hayden Experience

While the architectural vision for the Hayden Library renovation took shape, another, equally important design process also has been playing out. The MIT Libraries...

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Sharing Knowledge for the Benefit of All

Sharing Knowledge for the Benefit of All

Roger Levy is an associate professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences and director of the MIT Computational Psycholinguistics Laboratory. Bibliotech asked...

Scholarly communication
MIT Receives Personal Papers of Artist Otto Piene

MIT Receives Personal Papers of Artist Otto Piene

The personal papers of the late Otto Piene, a leading figure in kinetic and technology-based art, have been donated to MIT’s Institute Archives, part...

Archives & MIT history

News from the MIT Press

The MIT Press is committed to reimagining what a university press can be. This spring, the Press is delighted to announce several exciting projects...

Remembering Elda Chisholm

Remembering Elda Chisholm

Elda Digiuni Chisholm (1919-2019) was offered a job at the MIT Libraries the very day she applied in 1945. “Other women were afraid to...

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What’s New

What’s New

Chris Bourg Speaks on Open Science at the UN Libraries Director Chris Bourg participated in the first United Nations Open Science Conference in New...

Scholarly communication