Author: Mark Szarko

IAPril 2012: MIT Libraries Bookmobile

When: Wed April 11, 11:00 am – 2:00 pm Where: Lobby 10 Celebrate National Bookmobile Day with the MIT Libraries! Check out new fiction...


IAPril 2012: Patent Searching Fundamentals

When: Tues April 3, 12:00 – 1:00 pm Where: 14N-132 While you won’t come out of this session qualified to be a patent attorney,...


Lunch & Learn: You bring the food, we bring the knowledge!

Over  the next five Tuesdays,  the MIT Libraries are launching a new series of quick demonstrations to highlight some of our resources. Called “Lunch...

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IAP 2012: All Sessions for Week of January 30 – February 3

Check out all of the MIT Libraries IAP events for the week covering Monday, January 30 through Friday, February 3: Alternate Reality Game (ARG)...

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IAP 2012: All Sessions for Week of January 23 – 27

Check out all of the MIT Libraries IAP events for the week covering Monday, January 23 through Friday, January 27: Practically Genomic Mon Jan...

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IAP 2012: All Sessions for Week of January 17 – 20

Check out all of the MIT Libraries IAP events for the week covering Tuesday, January 17 through Friday, January 20: Arts and Culture Multimedia...

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IAP 2012: All Sessions for Week of January 9 – 13

Check out all of the MIT Libraries IAP events for the week covering Monday, January 9 through Friday, January 13: Archives.101 Mon Jan 9,...

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“It’s Alive” Staged Reading #3: Elfriede Jelinek’s ‘Illness or Modern Women’

Tuesday, Nov 8, 7-9 pm in the Lewis Music Library (14E-109) It’s Alive! A series of staged play readings by students in collaboration with...


“It’s Alive” Staged Reading #2: Edward Albee’s ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’

Thursday, Oct 13, 7-9 pm in the Lewis Music Library (14E-109) It’s Alive! A series of staged play readings by students in collaboration with...
