Author: mit-admin

IAP 2010: Basics of Obtaining a Patent

Come and hear Jack Turner, Associate Director of the MIT Technology Licensing Office and patent attorney Sam Pasternak, recently of Choate, Hall and Stewart...

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IAP 2010: Publishing Smart: A Hands-on Workshop on Journal Quality Measures and Publisher Copyright Policies

Intended for graduated students or other interested MIT authors, addresses what copyright means to you as an author, how you can assess a publisher’s...

Scholarly communication

IAP 2010: Managing Research Data 101

For researchers struggling to manage their data, basic strategies will be provided for • best practices for retention and archiving • effective directory structures...


IAP 2010: Managing Your References: Overview of EndNote, RefWorks and Zotero

Using citation management software to create and maintain a collection of references is becoming more common and important in today’s academic world. These software...


IAP 2010: Bioinformatics Software Tool: BIOBASE

Learn how to use the BIOBASE Knowledge Library (BKL) and Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) bioinformatics tools licensed by MIT Libraries. Interested in systems...


IAP 2010: Power Up!: Strategies for Getting Energy Information

Information on energy is everywhere! How do you find the scientific and technical information you need and keep on the cutting edge of what...


IAP 2010: Offline Image Viewer for Presentations with Images

Looking for an alternative to Powerpoint for presenting images? The Offline Image Viewer (OIV), developed by ARTstor, is an alternative tool for giving offline...

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IAP 2010: Bioinformatics for Beginners

The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Entrez family of databases is the foundation of knowledge for molecular level bioscience research. Class attendees will...


IAP 2010: SciFinder on the Web

If you are a researcher in chemistry, or chemistry related subjects like chemical engineering, materials science, environmental science, biological sciences, etc., then you should...
