Author: mit-admin

IAP 2010: Introduction to Company and Industry Research for Engineers and Scientists

You may be a skilled investigator on the topic of science or engineering, but what do you know about business research? This session will...


IAP 2010: Cool Tools for Science and Engineering Research: Meet the Developers!

Learn about new tools to support your research, collaboration, and personal knowledge management. Three developers will demonstrate their applications. QUOSA Information Manager can help...


IAP 2010: Patent Searching Fundamentals

While you won’t come out of this session qualified to be a patent attorney, you will be able to successfully find patent references from...


IAP 2010: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Workshops

MIT GIS Services will be offering a series of workshops to introduce the MIT community to Geographic Information Systems and the world of Digital...

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IAP 2010: Power Up with Maps! GIS and Energy Resources

Where are the power plants and the pipelines? How close are they to population centers? In this session, MIT GIS Services will introduce you...

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IAP 2010: Going Beyond Google Scholar: Using the Web of Science and Other Citation Searching Resources to Discover Articles

The Web of Science has changed its search interface substantially in 2008. Learn about the new citation analysis and report features which enable you...

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IAP 2010: Using NCBI's BLAST

Want to know more about how BLAST works and how to use it more effectively in your research? Then this class is for you!...


IAP 2010: Keeping Current: Using RSS Feeds to Stay Ahead in Your Research

What’s an RSS feed? How can I use it to keep up with new information in my field? We’ll show you how RSS and...


IAP 2010: Tips & Techniques for Searching for Images Online

Searching for visual content in online environments is often confusing even for those who are quite experienced with text-based searching. An effective search and...

Art & architecture & planning