Author: Katharine Dunn

OA research in the news: Changes to auditing may help reduce pollution

Economists at MIT have co-authored a study that underscores a troubling aspect of the auditing industry, in which auditors, because they’re paid by the...

Scholarly communication

OA research in the news: Faculty win “genius grants”

Two MIT professors are among two dozen nationwide recipients of the 2013 MacArthur Fellowships, known as the “genius grants.” Dina Katabi, a computer scientist,...


OA research in the news: Using solar power to clean water

A team of MIT researchers, led by mechanical engineering professor Steven Dubowsky, are developing a solar-powered system that can produce 1,000 liters of clean...

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OA research in the news: Maier was “one of the key intellectual figures in her field”

Historian Pauline Maier, who wrote award-winning books on 18th-century America, died last month at age 75. Maier had been on the MIT faculty since...


OA research in the news: Fighting crime with math

Crimes like burglary often go unwitnessed, which makes it difficult to predict and prevent a criminal’s future acts. Police analysts scour reports and databases...

Scholarly communication

OA research in the news: Programming with natural language

Researchers in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory have demonstrated it’s possible to use English instead of specialized programming languages to complete some...


OA research in the news: Challenges for women entrepreneurs

Last month, Dell released its first Gender Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index (GEDI), a report analyzing conditions that help women entrepreneurs flourish in various...

Scholarly communication

OA research in the news: Bertschinger appointed as Community & Equity Officer

Last week, MIT Provost Chris Kaiser announced that physics department head Edmund Bertschinger will take on a newly created role as Institute Community and...

Scholarly communication

OA research in the news: Tracking bird flu

New studies coauthored by biological engineering professor Ram Sasisekharan show that two bird flu strains could become highly infectious among humans with just a...

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