Author: darcy

Learn patent searching basics!

Learn about what a patent is and how to search for them using the free search tools that are available on the web! An...

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Learn to use the libraries – YouTube style!

The MIT Libraries have just launched a series of new online videos that can help you learn how to use the tools and resources...

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TODAY! Library toolbars, extensions and web apps: little tools with big impact

Mon Jan 22, 04-05:00pm, E25-117 Tired of hopping between Google Scholar, Amazon, and library catalogs and databases? Can’t find that great article you meant...

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Check out the MIT Libraries’ IAP events!

Are you wondering what an RSS feed is and how it can help your research? Interested in consumer or company information? Want to learn...

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Find new books via the web, email, or by subscribing to our new RSS feeds!

Check out the latest and greatest books that have recently arrived in the MIT Libraries! See: Recent Additions to the Collections We have RSS...

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Mark the date! Next MIT Libraries’ booksale will be on April 3rd

The next MIT Libraries book sale will be on: Tuesday, April 3rd, 10-3 Bush Room 10-105 Questions? Contact the Gifts Office at or...

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Check out our new beta! The Humanities Virtual Browsery is now a blog

Try out our newest library beta: the Humanities Virtual Browsery has been revamped as a blog. Browse new books online (just like the old...


MIT Libraries booksale, Thursday 11/30, 10-3

MIT Libraries booksale Books on a variety of subjects will be available. Thursday, November 30th, 10-3 Bush Room 10-105 Questions? or x3-5693 All...

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Barton catalog upgrade: records can now be saved across sessions

The Barton Catalog has been upgraded! A major new feature allows you to save records permanently in “Your Bookshelf”. Previously, Your Bookshelf allowed you...

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