
24 Hour Study in the Libraries

Looking for a spot to hunker down as you prepare for finals? The Libraries may have just the spot you need. Though most of...

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Webinar: Measure change over time with the American Community Survey

Want to research change over time in social and economic trends for states and local areas across the U.S.?  Use the American Community Survey!...

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Use data in your research and win a prize! Gain experience in data analysis via an internship!

ICPSR Research Paper Competition Using data from the ICPSR (Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research) data archive for one of your classes?  Submit...

Social sciences

Get help with statistical software packages, statistics, and research technology

              Do you use statistical software packages, such as R, Stata, SAS, or SPSS?  Want to be more effective...


Libraries closed over Thanksgiving holiday

All library locations will close early on Wednesday, November 27 and will close for the Thanksgiving holiday on Thursday, November 28 and Friday, November...

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IMF publications now available online

Study international economics or finance?  Use publications from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)?  MIT now has access to all IMF publications online through the...

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New web page shares stories from open access article readers

Since July 2012, we have been soliciting comments from readers of articles in the Open Access Articles Collection, where MIT faculty papers are openly...

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Composer Peter Child – Wednesday, November 20

Peter Child,  Professor in Music and Theater Arts, in a talk about his recent music with live performances by Vineet Gopal (’13), flute; Miriam...

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Libraries continue financial support for MIT authors’ open access publishing — though PLoS closes discount program

The MIT Libraries have been supporting MIT authors who wish to make their work as openly available as possible, by funding programs and memberships...

Scholarly communication