Author: Brigham Fay

MIT Reads: Virtual Community Discussion with the Authors of “Sexual Citizens”

MIT Reads: Virtual Community Discussion with the Authors of “Sexual Citizens”

October 4, 2021 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM

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Courtyard Cafe opens

Courtyard Cafe opens

UPDATED 9/14/21 We are thrilled to announce that the Courtyard Cafe is now open on the first floor of Hayden Library!  The café is...

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Celebrate Hayden’s reopening

Celebrate Hayden’s reopening

Join us to celebrate the newly renovated Hayden Library and Building 14 courtyard. Sept. 7-10, 9am-5pm  Stop by the library for special giveaways (while...

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MIT Reads: Community Discussion with the Authors of “Sexual Citizens”

MIT Reads: Community Discussion with the Authors of “Sexual Citizens”

October 4, 2021 07:30 PM - 09:00 PM

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MIT COVID-19 documentation project material now online

MIT COVID-19 documentation project material now online

The MIT Libraries Distinctive Collections is pleased to announce that MIT community contributions to the COVID-19 Collection are now available online! The COVID-19 Collection...

Archives & MIT history

Library Services for Fall 2021

The MIT Libraries is excited to welcome the MIT community back to physical library spaces this fall — we’ve missed you! We’re especially looking...

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Try our new library search platform

It’s here! We launched a new platform for searching, browsing, and accessing books, journals, and articles — Search Our Collections — and we’re eager...

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New library search platform launches July 13

It’s almost here — our new library search platform launches on July 13. Here’s a refresher on what will look different, what will stay...

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Carpentries @ MIT: Intro to UnixShell/Python or R/Git

August 10, 2021 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM

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