Join the Program on Information Science for our May Brown Bag with Felice Frankel, research scientist in the Center for Materials Science and Engineering here at MIT. She will discuss visual representation of all kinds as it becomes more important in our ever growing image-based society, especially in science and technology, and how there has been little emphasis on developing standards in creating or critiquing those representations.
Frankel will consider images as more than tangential components of information, discuss ways to seamlessly search for accurate and honest depictions of complex scientific phenomena, show her own process of making visual representations in sciences and engineering, and make the case that representations are just as “intellectual” as text.
Event details:
Location: E25-401
The Information Science Program will provide lunch, please bring your favorite beverage and plenty of questions.
More information
Information Science Brown Bag talks, hosted by the Program on Information Science, consist of regular discussions and brainstorming sessions on all aspects of information science and uses of information science and technology to assess and solve institutional, social, and research problems. These are informal talks. Discussions are often inspired by real-world problems being faced by the lead discussant.