Milestone for MIT Faculty Open Access Policy: 3 million downloads

A new milestone was reached at the end of April 2015, when downloads of articles deposited in relation to the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy reached — and surpassed — 3 million.

The Open Access Articles Collection in DSpace@MIT now contains over 16,600 articles, which collectively were downloaded over 90,000 times in April.

Downloads were initiated from around the world, including by a young director of a research institute in Guatemala who was asked by a national TV channel to talk about climate change and hurricanes, and wrote that “Having access to this highly relevant article gave me the chance to prepare for the interview and provide the most science-based information. Thanks!!”

Map of Open Access Articles Collection downloads

Among the most downloaded articles for the month of April were:

For more download statistics, visit the Open Access Article Statistics site.

MIT authors may deposit a manuscript to the collection here.

This is the first in a series of monthly reports on activity related to the Open Access Articles Collection in DSpace@MIT, which was launched in October 2009 to house articles deposited in association with the MIT Faculty Open Access Policy.

Ellen Finnie Duranceau, Program Manager, Scholarly Publishing, Copyright & Licensing, MIT Libraries