Finals Week study breaks, May 15–21

StudybreakDog2webDuring finals week, take a study break…have a snack, pet a dog, and de-stress!

Cookies and beverages will be served near the entrance to each library on the dates below. Therapy dogs from Dog B.O.N.E.S. will make a special visit to Hayden Library for Cookies with Canines.

Thursday, May 15, 2–3:30 pm
Hayden Library (14S) – Cookies with Canines

Monday, May 19, 2–4 pm
Dewey Library (E53-100) – Study Break

Tuesday, May 20, 2–3:30 pm
Barker Library (10-500) – Study Break

Wednesday, May 21, 2–3:30 pm
Rotch Library (7-238) – Study Break

Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for chances to win an MIT Libraries Tim t-shirt during the study breaks!