Can we really shop our way to a better world? Sure, a Prius is easier on the Earth than a big SUV, but isn’t over-consumption itself part of the problem? Isn’t offering solutions that involve buying yet more stuff somehow delusional and counter-productive?
Rodney North – an MIT neighbor and “The Answer Man” for Equal Exchange, an organic, Fair Trade food company – will lead a debate/free-for-all discussion about the growing popularity of green and socially responsible products and the pros & cons of how this trend influences our thinking about what is needed to create a sustainable, just society.
Audience participation is encouraged, and Equal Exchange will provide free organic, Fair Trade snacks and dark chocolate for you to gorge on while you rail against the evils of consumerism.
WHEN: Friday, February 1, 2 – 3 pm
WHERE: 4-237
Contact Ryan Gray with any questions. See for further information.