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Category Archives: Call for Contributors

Call for submissions: Pedagogical Materials for Teaching about Architecture in Muslim Societies

As the academic year draws to a close, the Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT invites you to share your best course materials in Archnet’s Pedagogy Collection. This collection contains open access materials for teaching about the built environment of Muslim societies.  Materials may be geared toward any level from kindergarten to graduate school, and they may approach the topic from the perspective of any discipline.    We are interested in syllabi, lesson plans, reading lists, presentations, recorded lectures, course materials, scholarly articles, etc.  All material received will be evaluated by experts before inclusion. Please note, all material will be […]

AKDC@MIT seeks a video assistant

The Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries (AKDC@MIT), is seeking a video assistant to edit video to be posted on, an open access, scholarly resource focused on architecture, urbanism, environmental and landscape design, visual culture, and conservation issues, with a particular focus on the Muslim world. Duties: Create video for two projects: • The Music of Morocco Project – Creation of video slideshows for uploading digitized versions of audio recordings made in Morocco, 1959-1962.  Examples can be seen in the collection on Archnet, but videos still need to be created for more than 1/2 the recordings. • The Architect’s […]

Temporary Employment Opportunity

The Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries (AKDC@MIT), is seeking an employee to assist the with processing content for Archnet, an open access, scholarly resource focused on architecture, urbanism, environmental and landscape design, visual culture, and conservation issues, with a particular focus on the the Muslim world. Archnet provides ready access to unique visual and textual material to facilitate teaching, scholarship, and professional work of high quality Duties:  The successful applicant with assist in various projects under the supervision of AKDC Interim Program Head and Archnet Content Manager Michael Toler, including: Work with the Archnet Content Manager and Visual Resources Librarian […]

Middle East Librarians Association seeking nominations for two vacancies

The Nominating Committee of the Middle East Librarians Association is soliciting nominations (and self-nominations) for two vacancies: 1. Vice President/Program Chair 2. Member-at-Large Both the Vice President and the Member-at-Large serve on MELA’s Executive Board. For a full description of the responsibilities of these office holders, please take a look at the bylaws. Nominees shall be selected from among members with good standing. Joining is easy and is open to anyone who is employed by an institution to service Middle East library materials in a professional capacity (selection, acquisition, cataloging, indexing, reference work, administration, and/or preparation of research tools), as […]

Call for Papers, Chronicles and Curation: Documenting Cultural Transitions in the Wider Middle East

The Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT is seeking presenters for a session at the BRISMES Annual Conference, 5-7 July 2017, at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. Chronicles and Curation:  Documenting cultural transitions in the wider Middle East Periods of transition and upheaval pose a particular challenge to those involved in cultural documentation and curation. During such times, the categories, terms, and epistemologies—the very systems we use to classify cultural knowledge—are in flux. Instability and turmoil can obfuscate or obliterate traces of another culture or society. Our panel will focus on these concerns in praxes of chronicling and curating cultural […]