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Archnet in May 2020: What’s new and how many are visiting?

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362 new records were published on in May 2020, including records and images of 3 structures in the ruins of a Ghaznavid palatial complex, Lashkiri Bazar, north of Bust, Afghanistan; and photographs of an 18th c. house, Bayt Boghose Kirdikian in Aleppo, Syria. Also newly published, Volumes 30-33 of Muqarnas: An Annual on the Visual Culture of the Islamic World; and video from interviews with prolific Iraqi architect Hisham Munir, “Conversations at the Shahi Qila,” and a flyover video of City Park and the Jamatkhana in Khorog, Tajikistan.

Nearly 50,000 distinct visitors viewed 279,000 pages in the month of May. The largest group of visitors (16%) came from India, followed by 13% from the US. Over a dozen visitors came from 112 different countries or territories.

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The most downloaded publications or files were Islamic Architecture in Cairo. An Introduction from the collection Studies and Sources on Islamic Art and Architecture, and Lecture 6: Material, Ornament and Light, presentations produced by ARCHIAM for the Aga Khan Trust for Culture Education Programme. The most viewed video was a slideshow accompanying a recording of “Qim Rhori. Music of the Zaiane Tribe (Middle Atlas), Morocco,” recorded by Paul Bowles in Morocco on October 20, 1959.

The overwhelming majority of users find their way to Archnet through a search engine, but more users come from links on Wikipedia than any other referrer. 3,532 people were referred to Archnet from social media, the largest group from Facebook. The description of International Tangier, the digitized negatives of the glass negatives of the Tangier American Legation, was the most shared URL on Facebook.

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