When the Libraries surveyed you, the MIT community, in 2005, many of you spoke resoundingly about wanting more electronic access to older journals. In fact, 71% of you responded that expanding the historic depth of our online collection by providing more electronic access to older journals is “essential” or “very important.” You asked for it… You’ve got it!
The MIT Libraries have been acquiring many noteworthy journal back files in a variety of subjects, offering more access to historically significant articles and landmark papers than ever before.
Recently purchased titles and databases with expanded access include:
- Annual Reviews
Boston Globe historical newspaper
Elsevier Computer Science
Elsevier Engineering and Technology
Elsevier High Energy / Nuclear Physics and Astronomy
Elsevier Mathematics
Journal of Fluid Mechanics
JSTOR Art & Architecture
JSTOR Business Collections I and II
Methods of Enzymology
Nature archive
Royal Society of Chemistry archive
The Libraries plan to purchase more electronic back files as demand for these resources grows, and as funds become available. Have a favorite journal that you would like to suggest for purchase? Let us know about it!
To see the full list of recently added back files, or for more information on historic access to electronic journals in the MIT Libraries, visit our web page on journal back files. To access these and all of our electronic resources, see Vera.