Researching energy industries? Need statistics, market analysis, news, company information, and financial deals? Try our suite of eTrack databases:
- Alternative Energy eTrack
- eTrack Nuclear
- eTrack Oil and Gas
- eTrack Smart Grid
- Petrochemicals eTrack
- Power eTrack
eTrack provides data and reports on energy industry sectors worldwide. Each database contains numerous statistical databases; detailed information on companies, deals, and key events; plus in-depth industry research. Find detailed statistics and generate lists such as:
- Wind farms in Argentina (showing the generation capacity of each)
- Planned oil exploration blocks, showing the country, area, operator, and acreage
- Nuclear power reactors to be decommissioned (including shutdown year and decommissioning cost)
Note: To download tables, copy and paste them into Excel page by page.
Want further information about energy? Attend one of our energy IAP workshops and try the other resources on our Energy Research Guide.