The MIT Libraries now subscribe to over 2,000 e-books from CRC Press, adding 7 new subject collections, including chemistry, engineering, energy, materials science and polymers, nanotechnology, and mathematics.
To search all titles available to the MIT Community, visit CRCnetBASE, or go to each individual subject collection to browse titles. With time, we will add records of these items to our catalog, Barton to make finding them easier.
List of individual CRCnetBASEs added to our collections:
- CHEMLIBnetBASE (all areas of chemistry, about 350 titles)
- CLEANTECHnetBASE (bio-energy, clean technology, renewable energy,…)
- ENGnetBASE (all areas of engineering, almost 900 titles)
- MATHnetBASE (mathematics, almost 300 titles)
- MATERIALSnetBASE (materials science, over 200 titles)
- NANOnetBASE (nanoscience)
- POLYMERnetBASE (polymers)
Previously subscribed: Combined Chemical Dictionary and CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics through CHEMnetBASE.
To see other e-books provided by the MIT Libraries, go to Vera, and select the subject “E-Books.”