Enhanced Mendeley Access for MIT Users

Mendeley Institutional EditionGreat News! The MIT Libraries has purchased Mendeley Institutional Edition for all MIT Users.

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley is a tool for managing, annotating and sharing PDFs.  It can also be used to create citations and bibliographies in Microsoft Word, Open Office and LaTeX.

What is Mendeley Institutional Edition (MIE)?

MIE gives MIT users enhanced access to Mendeley.  If you join the MIT group you will get 5 GB of personal space in Mendeley (vs. 2 GB with a free account) and 20 GB of shared space (vs. 100 MB for free). You will also be able to create an unlimited number of shared groups with up to 25 members.

How can you get access to our MIE subscription?

To get access to our MIE subscription you need to join the MIT group. To do this go to:


On that page click the “Join this Group” link. You’ll be prompted for your MIT email address and a link will be sent there for joining the group. There you can create a new account or connect your existing account to the group.

Note: You must have an active MIT email address to sign up. If you already have a Mendeley account using a non-MIT email address you’ll be able to move that account to the MIT group using the link sent to your MIT address. Instead of creating a new account, click the link that says “Already have an Account?” and sign in with your existing account information.  You should then be able to validate your account as being eligible for the MIT group.

Want to Learn more about Mendeley?

See our Mendeley at MIT research guide (which links to our Mendeley Basics video).

Questions?  Email personal-content@mit.edu