Learn how to manage your articles and cite your references more effectively in these hands-on workshops. Register now for October.
All workshops will take place in the Digital Instruction Resource Center (DIRC), 14N-132.
Managing Your References: Overview of EndNote, RefWorks, and Zotero
WHEN: Wednesday, October 6, 5 – 6pm
Citation management software is an important tool in today’s academic world. These software packages allow users to search databases, retrieve relevant citations, and build a bibliography, to be added to a paper or thesis or stored for future reference. But which software product should you use, and how do you get started?
This session will focus on Endnote, RefWorks, and Zotero, the three major options for citation software at MIT. We will compare the three and introduce some of the basic concepts and functionality of each program.
Please pre-register for this session. Contact Mat Willmott with questions.
EndNote Basics
WHEN: Wednesday, October 13, 5 – 6pm
EndNote is a “personal bibliographic software” package that allows you to create and manage a database of bibliographic references. Come to this hands-on workshop to learn how to use Endnote to manage your citations, create bibliographies and more.
Please pre-register for this session. Contact Peter Cohn with any questions.
RefWorks Basics
WHEN: Wednesday, October 20, 5 – 6pm
RefWorks is a web-based resource to help you organize references, create a bibliography, and easily cite references as you write your paper. It allows you to create individual or group accounts.
Please pre-register for this session. Contact Anita Perkins with any questions.
Zotero Basics
WHEN: Wednesday, October 27, 5 – 6pm
Zotero is a free, open-source program for Firefox that helps you collect, manage, cite, and share your citations and files. With one click, you can save PDFs and citations for most articles, then cite them in Word or OpenOffice. Make a searchable PDF library and find out how to publish dynamic bibliographies and collaborate by using group collections. In this hands-on session, learn tips and tricks on how to use Zotero more efficiently to save you time and energy. Bring a laptop or use one of our computers.
Please pre-register for this session. Contact Remlee Green with any questions.