In academic libraries, preservation, general collections, and special collections don’t typically fall under the same organizational umbrella. This is one of the reasons Greg Eow is excited to be the new associate director for collections at MIT Libraries, a position he began on August 3.
“It’s a rare and irresistible opportunity to work with these departments together in one portfolio,” said Eow.
Eow came to MIT from Harvard, where he served as the Charles Warren Bibliographer for American History, and helped build humanities and social sciences collections. Prior to that, he worked at the Yale University Library.
At MIT, Eow hopes to “foster a holistic philosophy” among the departments he oversees. “When we build a shared awareness that we’re all part of a larger enterprise, we’ll find synergies and be more effective in our different areas of operation,” he said. “I’m keen to bring these communities together in a way that benefits them all.”