News from the MIT Press

Bringing content to readers in new ways

It’s an extraordinary time at the MIT Press with new projects aimed at pushing the boundaries of university-based publishing. This spring the Press launched two initiatives to bring content to readers in new ways. The MIT Press Reader ( is a digital magazine that draws on the Press’s rich archive and family of distinguished authors to provide thought-provoking excerpts, interviews, and other original works written for the general public but backed by academic rigor. Each week, the editors unearth gems from the catalog, call upon authors to cast their expertise on issues facing the world today, and dive into the stories that inspired the books. The MIT Press Direct is a newly launched platform for libraries that facilitates discovery and access to MIT Press’s distinguished collection of ebook content. Cost-effective and easy to use, Direct offers DRM-free access to more than 2,500 ebooks and is already available through NERL, California Digital Library, LYRASIS, and other platforms.