In the midst of a challenging year for the publishing industry, the MIT Press has shown resilience in its operations and strong, positive results. The Press continues to embark on bold projects, such as providing publishing support to diverse voices and leading the market shift to digital content and open access.
To ensure that the MIT Press continues to push the boundaries of publishing for the public good for decades to come, we are launching the MIT Press Fund for the Future. The MIT Press looks beyond transitory market forces and established genres to publish works that elevate knowledge, inform, and empower. Support for the Fund for the Future will help the MIT Press mobilize knowledge to create fairer, freer, more open societies.
In the words of Matthew Browne, one of many talented MIT Press acquisition editors: “I seek to acquire projects that fit the Press’ unique strengths: deeply researched, often zeitgeisty, singular, provocative, discipline-spanning books that are comfortable sitting in the margins of scholarship. Books that challenge the status quo and point to new ways of thinking.”
The MIT Press provides a unique lens on the interplay among science, design, technology, and culture in order to accelerate problem solving, social progress, and human understanding. The MIT Press Fund for the Future will future-proof our enduring commitment to mobilizing knowledge for the greater good. Learn more at