Photo by Bryce Vickmark.
John Urschel, assistant professor in mathematics at MIT and a former offensive lineman for the Baltimore Ravens, spoke at Hayden Library on April 11 about his memoir, Mind and Matter: A Life in Math and Football, the spring 2023 selection for MIT Reads. The book was selected in collaboration with students in the introductory writing class, Writing and Experience: Reading and Writing Autobiography.
Urschel, who played three seasons for the Ravens, began a PhD in mathematics at MIT while still playing in the NFL. He spoke 10 about his early interest in puzzles and math, scheduling his time 11 as a student athlete at Penn State, and his motivation for writing the book.
“I had a level of visibility, a level of attention, and a level of credibility with young people all across this country that your top mathematicians just did not have, fair or unfair,” said Urschel. “I think I had a very legitimate responsibility to do this, to be in the position that I was in, to have the sort of platform that I had, to really push the importance of math and how beautiful math is.”
Speaking alongside his wife and co-author Louisa Thomas, a contributor at The New Yorker, Urschel read an excerpt from the book and engaged in conversation with moderator Louise Harrison Lepera, a lecturer in Comparative Media Studies and Writing. A Q&A with the audience touched on the different communication styles of mathematicians and football players, the work ethic and drive they share, the lessons of failure, and the importance of letting things go.
“Life’s really too short to spend time doing things that don’t fully match your current priorities,” said Urschel, who retired from football in 2017 to focus on his doctorate and growing family. “I think it’s OK to not be afraid of redirecting yourself towards what you think matters most to you and what you care most about.”
Watch a recording of the event on our YouTube channel.