Open access downloads: July 2024

Statistics from the OA collection of DSpace@MIT


Downloads this month: 206,212; Downloads since OA policy began: 26,920,194; Articles in the OA collection: 52,520; Featured country: England, 7,135 downloadsThe Open Access Collection of DSpace@MIT includes scholarly articles by MIT-affiliated authors made available through open access policies at MIT or publisher agreements.

Each month we highlight the month’s download numbers and a few of the most-downloaded articles in the collection, and we feature stats and comments from a particular country.

See your own download statistics or those of a particular MIT department, lab, or center.

Top downloaded articles for July:

The Role of Inner-Core Moisture in Tropical Cyclone Predictability and Practical Forecast Skill, Kerry Emanuel, Fuqing Zhang

50 Years of quantum chromodynamics, Gross, F., Klempt, E., Brodsky, S.J. et al.

“Waste Not, Want Not” — Leveraging Sewer Systems and Wastewater-Based Epidemiology for Drug Use Trends and Pharmaceutical Monitoring, Erickson, Timothy B. et al.

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