If you plan on continuing your research through the summer, the Libraries are open and available to help you with your needs. If you have books checked out while traveling, please be aware that our recall policy still applies. MIT users are guaranteed two weeks with 60-day loan materials, but a book may be “recalled” by another user at any time. This ensures that users have equal access to our materials. The Libraries cannot cancel a recall or forgive accrued fines from recalled items, but here are some tips to avoid fines altogether:
- If you are traveling for longer than a week, we suggest returning all items before you leave. Otherwise, store library materials in a secure place where a colleague, friend, housemate, or family member can easily access them. In the event that an item is recalled, they can return it to any library service desk or book drop.
- Before traveling, check Your Account to see if any books you currently have are low on renewals. MIT students, faculty, and staff are allowed five automatic renewals for 60-day loan items owned by the Libraries. If a book has no renewals left, visit any library service desk so we reset the renewal count.
- If you must take library materials with you while traveling, be prepared to ship them back.
- Check your email regularly for due date reminders and recall notices. We will always update you if anything changes.
- Note that items borrowed from non-MIT libraries through Interlibrary Borrowing can also be recalled at any time and may be subject to the policies of the lending institution.
For more information on returns, recalls, and fine policies, read our Circulation FAQ or AskUs. Happy summer studies!