The design studio “A Theater Without Theater” invited students to explore the architectural potentials of the theatrical. Discovering productive intersections with theater, students acquired a better understanding of architecture and the city.
Three historical theaters: Total Theater by Walter Gropius, Rusakov Workers´ Club by Konstantin Melnikov and Anatomical Theater by Paolo Sarpi and Dario Varotari were analyzed and used as raw material for a sequence of three projects where “Performance”, “Stage” and “Spectator” served as gateways to engage with “Program”, “Space/Site” and “User/Citizen”.
Spring Semester 2019
Instructor: Cristina Parreño Alonso
Teaching Assistant: Jaehun Woo
Alicia Nimrick
Caroline Rosenzweig
Jackie Lin
Michelle Menkiti
Michelle Xie
Rinako Sonobe
Vanessa Pipitone