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Tag Archives: mapping

Student Employment Opportunity: Research Assistant for Mapping Cultural Networks Project-Extended

The Aga Khan Documentation Center at MIT (AKDC@MIT) and Project Cornelia at the University of Leuven (Department of Art History), Belgium, have been awarded a MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Global Seed Fund grant to explore spatial and temporal mapping of networks of cultural influence among the creators of visual and material culture (artists, architects, and the like), as well as the subsequent ‘life’ of the works they create. How can we “map” or otherwise visually represent relationships of collaboration, influence, and patronage across time and space? How can Digital Humanities tools help us to follow the fate […]

AKDC’s LayerCake mapping tool now available to the public

The Aga Khan Documentation Center, MIT Libraries (AKDC@MIT),  is pleased to announce the public release of LayerCake, an interactive tool for mapping data points across time and space. The LayerCake project  was initiated by Sharon C. Smith, Ph.D., Head of Distinctive Collections at Arizona State University, and former AKDC@MIT Program Head, who served as the PI for the project. Interim AKDC Program Head, Michael Toler, Ph.D. now serves as the project PI. Working with designer and programmer, James Yamada (MDes, Harvard GSD, 2014), the tool is currently under development at AKDC@MIT. As a 3-axes mapping tool, LayerCake enables users to […]