Personal, family and friends: Andre and Yedda Godard taking photos, Natanz, Iran.
Baroness Marie-Thérèse Ullens de Schooten Collection.
Courtesy of Harvard University, Fine Arts Library
Sharon C. Smith, PhD, program head of the Aga Khan Documentation Center, is the invited lecturer at Western University (London, Ontario, Canada) where she will present “Allure of the Digital Humanities in Times of Crisis: Documenting Disruption in the Middle East” on Wednesday, October 12, commencing at 5:30 pm. The lecture will be held in the John Labatt Visual Arts Center, room 100. It is free and open to the public.
Earlier that day, Smith will lead a graduate seminar discussion on the “Islamic City” at the invitation of Cody Barteet, professor in the Department of Visual Arts at Western.